Dr. Himley earned his Bachelors of Science Education degree at Illinois Sate University. For two of the three years he was teaching, he suffered from chronic bronchitis. Two years of low grade fever, sore throat, coughing and fatigue. Dr Himley became frustrated with his doctors as the only course of action was more antibiotics, which did not help. After a friend invited him to see his chiropractor, it was explained that the nerves in the spine control the lungs. Within days of his first chiropractic "adjustment" to correct his spine, he felt like a million bucks again. He quickly realized that he need to do this for other people. He resigned from his teaching job and attended the National College of Chiropractic where he earned his Doctorate degree. His passion is helping people take charge of their own health.
Dara started as a patient in 2000 after being misdiagnosed with MS. She was moved by how Dr. Himley was able to help her...and she never left. Her children have grown up with regular chiropractic care. And now her grandkids are enjoying optimal health through neurologically based chiropractic care.
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